• Dr Muthinji preparing client on EEG services
  • Portable Ambulatory EEG Study Kit
  • Electrocardiography kit

Why Choose Us

Brain & nerve diagnostics is a progressive diagnostic and advice service provider. We use cutting edge technology applying up to date knowledge in the simplest way to benefit our clients.


Committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality and affordable neuro-diagnostic assessment services.


To increasingly being integrated into the advancing modern technology for diagnosis and patients treatment

We are a progressive diagnostic and advice service provider. We use cutting edge technology applying up to date knowledge in the simplest way to benefit our clients.

Why People Choose Us

Taking advantage of technology to optimise benefits to the clients (Progressive)

Tailoring the diagnostic procedures to the clinical problem (Focused)

Providing the most up to date information and advice to empower the clients (Empowering)


Brain and Nerve Centre offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic options including:


We provides consultation and advice for patients with epilepsy and seizure disorders, sleep disorders and nerve disorders and symptoms such as unexplained loss of consciousness or confusional episodes.
We will discuss, review with you your previous records and test results regarding the clinical problem. We will endeavour to provide the you with pertinent information to empower you enabling you to make sound informed decision about your clinical condition moving forward.


Our ideal of good health is hinged on five pillars in the acronym SWELL (Sleep enough, work wisely, Eat well, Laugh a lot, positively & Love more). For a start, book for a baseline screening health check to include: - Life Style Health Questionnaire, Body Mass Index(BMI), Blood glucose(BG), Blood Pressure (BP), Pulse rate(PR), Oximetry and, Electrocardiogram(ECG).
As the saying goes, “a stich in time saves nine”


Brain and Nerve is one of only a few units nationally to use the variety of EEG services procedure synchronized with video for electro-clinical correlation. This state-of-art technology aids in the evaluation of epilepsy and other seizure disorders.


Brain and nerve centre is committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality and affordable sleep assessment services.With sensitivity and compassion, we work with our patients to promote good health and wellness in a professional and caring environment.
Sleep studies are non-invasive, medical examination that monitors activities in sleep. There are many types of sleep studies. The specific type of sleep study depends on the nature of the sleep problems being evaluated.


A nerve conduction study (NCS), also called an electroneurography (ENG) test is a measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve.NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction.These tests are performed by Healthcare practitioners who subspecialize in electrodiagnostic medicine. There are no risks associated with nerve conduction studies. The voltage of electrical pulses can cause minor short-term discomfort but is not high enough to cause any injury or permanent damage. A nerve conduction velocity procedure may be performed on an outpatient basis or in a hospital by the bedside. Procedures may vary depending on your condition or the nerves affected

Various types of EEGs

Benefits from brain and nerve diagnostics services

Creative doctors

Brain and Nerve Diagnostics services is supported by specialists who have skilled knowledge on brain and nerve.

High tech equipment

Brain and Nerve Diagnostics services is one of the leading clinic that provides high tech brain and nerve lab services.

Patients attention

We take care of our patients by ensuring their medical needs are met .


The purpose of having an EEG (Electroencephalogram) done is to give the treating doctor information about the brain activity and the behaviour that accompanies it. The attending professional will measure the head and apply a number of wires to the surface of the scalp based on these measurements. The wires will then be used to record both the electrical activity of the brain and videotape behaviour using special equipment. Most patients will be asked to perform what are known as “activation procedures”; these include having a light flashed in their eyes (photic stimulation), and over breathing (hyperventilation).The performing professional will answer questions that one might have to the best of their ability. They will also do all they can to keep the patient comfortable and will balance that with the need to keep you safe and obtain a high-quality test

Preparing for out-patient EEG Procedure

The hair should be clean and dry, so the recording wires can be sufficiently attached to guarantee accurate readings. Anything that would be placed in the hair such as plastic beads, hair gels, hair sprays, tight braids, extensions, etc., should be avoided, again to guarantee the wires can be adequately attached in a timely fashion. .


    Unless otherwise instructed patient should take prescribed medications normally. Generally, one should follow normal meal/snack schedule


    During the EEG monitoring procedure, we require that a parent, guardian or responsible adult be present for minors and physically or intellectually challenged patients.


Human beings spend a third of their life in sleep. Unhealthy sleep and sleep deprivation are linked to heart disease, depression, obesity and lower life expectancy. Generally, people with sleep problems will present with:-

  • Insomnia (difficulties in initiating or maintaining sleep),
  • Hypersomnia (excessive daytime sleepiness),
  • Parasomnia (disturbed sleep due to events occurring at night) or
  • Circadian rhythm sleep disturbances (timing of sleep and wakefulness are displaced)

Usually these disturbances occur mostly in combination in the same patient. Sleep disturbances have been classified into seven categories and within these categories over sixty-three sleep disorders have been identified by the International Classification of Sleep Disorders 2014(ICSD-3).


Sleep studies are non-invasive, medical examination that monitors activities in sleep. There are many types of sleep studies. Thy specific type of sleep study depends on the nature of the sleep problems being evaluated. They range from a simple sleep study that monitors only one body function e.g. oximetry to comprehensive study such as polysomnography(PSG) that monitors multiple body functions such as brain waves, eye movements, muscle activity and breathing simultaneously. Some of the tests carried out include overnight oximetry, comprehensive Video-Polysomnography (vPSG), Multiple Sleep Latency Testing (MSLT), Maintenance of Wakefulness Testing (MWT), Actigraphy, Suggested Immobilization Test (SIT) etc.

Who requires sleep study?

Everyone experiences sleep difficulties from time to time. However, when one has persistent trouble falling asleep or staying awake or sleep that characterised by disturbance or unable to function during the day due to sleepiness, it is probably a sleep disorder. It is important that someone presenting with a sleep complaint is properly evaluated to determine the nature and severity of the sleep problem. Such person may be referred for a sleep study.

What does it show?

They help in identifying and classifying sleep disorders. They can also be used to monitor treatment. Some of the sleep disorders evaluated include sleep apnoea, Narcolepsy, sleep walking, sleep talking, night terrors, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movements in sleep, Rem behaviour sleep disorders, nocturnal frontal lobe seizures etc

  • Where is it done? -

    Depending on the type of sleep study, the test can be carried out at home, in a hotel room, on the hospital room or specialised sleep laboratory.

What are the preparations?

Some procedure like Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) require specific instructions. Others require no specific preparation. Appropriate advice is given depending on the type of sleep study required


A nerve conduction study (NCS), also called an electroneurography (ENG) test is a medical diagnostic test commonly used to evaluate the function, especially the ability of electrical conduction, of the motor and sensory nerves of the human body. The test measures the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve. NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction.

Who requires the test?

Patients who have symptoms of, numbness, weakness or tingling in the arm or leg are possible candidates for a nerve conduction study.

Why is it done?

Nerve conduction studies are usually done to help diagnose nerve disorders. They aid in evaluating the physiology and functioning of the peripheral nerves and detect peripheral neuropathies i.e. damage to the peripheral nervous system

Upper limb entrapment neuropathies

Nerve conduction studies can help diagnose pinched, damaged or under-functioning nerves in the upper limbs including:-

  • -Carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS), in which the nerve is pinched within the wrist, can produce numbness, weakness or pain in the hand. Nerve conduction studies are exquisitely sensitive in detecting this condition.
  • -Ulna Nerve Entrapment (UNE). This involves the ulnar nerve at the portion of the elbow often called the crazy bone.

Lower limb entrapment neuropathies

Nerve conduction studies can also help in evaluating numbness, weakness or pain in the legs for problems involving nerves such as: -

  • -The peroneal nerve where the nerve can be impaired near the knee causing a "foot drop."
  • -Tibial nerve in a condition called a tarsal tunnel syndrome where tibial nerve is compressed as it travels through the tarsal tunnel. This tunnel is found along the inner leg behind the medial malleolus (bump on the inside of the ankle).


In certain patients there is a more widespread pattern of dysfunction of nerve impairment. This can be seen in people with diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption and many other medical conditions.

The nerve conduction study procedure

These tests are performed by Healthcare practitioners who subspecialize in electrodiagnostic medicine. There are no risks associated with nerve conduction studies. The voltage of electrical pulses can cause minor short-term discomfort but is not high enough to cause any injury or permanent damage. A nerve conduction velocity procedure may be performed on an outpatient basis or in a hospital by the bedside. Procedures may vary depending on your condition or the nerves affected. Generally, a NCS procedure follows this process:

  1. You may be asked to remove any clothing, jewellery, hairpins, eyeglasses, hearing aids, or other metal objects that may interfere with the procedure.
  2. If you are asked to remove clothing, you will be given a gown to wear.
  3. You will be asked to sit or lie down on the examination couch for the test.
  4. A specialised healthcare practitioner will locate the nerve(s) to be studied.
  5. A recording electrode will be attached to the skin over the nerve with a special paste and a stimulating electrode will be placed at a known distance away from the recording electrode.
  6. The nerve will be stimulated by a mild and brief electrical impulse given through the stimulating electrode.
  7. You may experience minor discomfort for a few seconds.
  8. The stimulation of the nerve and the detected response will be displayed on computer screen in the form of waves


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Speciality : Senior Practitioner
Qualification : Electro-neurodiagnostics (Neurophysiology)
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Mrs Mugo

Speciality : Service Manager
Qualification : Mental Health
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Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday
    9.00 Am- 4.00 Pm
  • Saturday
  • Holidays
  • Out of hours contact:
    0703 545 654
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Alumni Hall of Fame: Peter Muthinji '83'

After graduating from the Neurodiagnostic Technology program at Labouré College and becoming a Registered EEG Technologist,Peter Muthinji returned to his home country of Kenya, working with the neurophysiology unit of Kenyatta National Hospital. By 1986, he had become the officer in charge of the unit, and by 1988 had initiated the first local training program for electroneurodiagnostic technologists at Kenya Medical Training College. Following his work in Kenya, Dr. Muthinji moved to London to continue with both work and education.

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If You have any query please contact with us

  • Address: KMA Center, Upper Hill, Block B 3.2
  • Phone: (+254) 703 545 654/ (+254) 790 545 654
  • Email: info@brainandnervediagnostics.co.ke
  • Box: 20992-00202, Nairobi Kenya

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KMA Center